Country Hills Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school located at the south-west section of Kitchener.  We offer childcare before and after school for Country Hills students registered in JK-Grade 6.  If you are interested in registering your child for before and/or after school childcare, please visit

We have approximately 400  students enrolled in our school.

Our school continues to grow as many new students move into our boundary area.

Most of the students walk to school and we have one bus that services students who qualify for transportation.

We have approximately 40 staff members who make up the Country Hills team, including educators, office staff, custodians, educational assistants, and administration. In addition, we have Waterloo Region District School Board personnel who regularly support the school in their professional capacities. Among these are a Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech and Language Pathologist and Special Education Consultant. We pride ourselves on working in collaboration with the greater team in order to best support each individual student.

We have a full-size gym, library, 3 creative playground structures as well as a primary and junior soccer field to enhance our students’ learning.

Our mascot is Kirk the Cardinal, through which we teach our core values. From their first experiences in our school, students are taught about our Kirk Cares character development initiative. CARES is an acronym for:




Empathy and

Social Responsibility.