January 30th, 2019
We are hosting a public consultation meeting on Thursday, February 7th at 7:00 pm in the cafeteria at Huron Heights Secondary School.
This secondary school boundary study is underway to address ongoing and future enrolment pressures at Huron Heights Secondary School. We encourage all families residing in the study area (Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute, Forest Heights Collegiate Institute and Huron Heights Secondary School) to attend the meeting and provide their feedback. It is important to note that no boundary changes are proposed for September 2019.
The meeting will include a brief formal presentation and an opportunity for families to provide feedback on proposed boundary options.
Huron Heights Secondary School is located at 1825 Strasburg Road in Kitchener. Parking is available on site and is accessible by Grand River Transit routes 16 and 33.
RSVPs are not required but are encouraged by completing the following form – https://goo.gl/forms/y47uCJZemvS0plt03
For those who cannot attend, the information presented at the meeting will be shared online at www.wrdsb.ca/planning and as always, questions and comments can be sent to boundaryfeedback@wrdsb.ca
Categories: News