Good Afternoon Cardinal Families!

We hope you are doing well and that your families transition to this new school year has been a smooth one! We can’t believe how quickly our first month of school has gone – it has been a busy and engaging start to the new school year!

Mandated by the Ministry of Education, a School Council is a collaborative partnership among parents, the community and the school, to discuss school-based initiatives that focus on providing the best possible service for our students. A School Council also serves as an effective and important communication tool between parents/caregivers and the school.

If you are interested in holding a position on our school council, please complete the self-nomination form below and email it to

Our first meeting for this year will be held in the school library on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. At this meeting the council executive membership for this year will be determined.

We will hold a total of 6 meetings this year, on the following dates:

October 24th
November 28th
January 30th
February 27th or March 26th (TBD by Council)
April 30th
May 28th
We look forward to having many of you attend our Council meetings this year!
Should you have any questions, please reach out to our Principal, Beth Creighton.
Thank you!


School Council Nomination Form – Please copy, paste and complete the information below and send via email to by Friday, October 20, 2023.

I wish to declare my candidacy for an elected position as a parent representative on the Country Hills Public School Council.

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________

I would be interested in serving as a (chair/co-chair/treasurer/secretary/other) ______________

I am the parent/caregiver of ______________________ (student name) who is currently registered at Country Hills in Grade ___________.

I am/am not _____ (choose one) an employee of the Waterloo Region District School Board.

Categories: News